The content of both seminars, the NLP Practitioner and the NLP Master Practitioner overlap, due to joined sessions and practices. Here you can have a glance at what you can expect to be covered.
This is what Dr. Richard Bandler (co-founder of Neuro-Linguistic Programming) continues to say:
"It's about teaching people to run their own brains,
so they don't need others to do it for them!"
The Map is not the territory: NLP teaches you that what you remember is only a generalized, distorted and incomplete representation of the real world and its happenings. It is because of this, that our views of the world need to be enriched in a way that all remembered limitations won´t influence new behaviours, thinking and progress.
Using this principle can help in re-evaluating perspectives and decisions, in overcoming fears and anxiety or in imagining and designing future progress. This single principle has the power to – when adopt properly – allow each and everyone of us to not only make a difference, but be the difference.
NLP Process for Change: A well-defined Desired State is the objective of each NLP based change. Conditions for well-formedness define how a Desired State should be formulated. Only when the Desired State is known and well-formed can the change process begin.
Representational System: Some of us are more visual than auditory. Others prefer the kinesthetic senses and input systems. We all have our preferences in selecting information and representing it in our brains. Our preferences determine the effectiveness of our strategies. For example: if someone needs to see evidence, before commiting to something, it will not help to “talk” things over.
Strategies: Strategies, in NLP, describe how we access our memory, what meta programs run automatically and with what determination we go about things. Once we realize, the single steps in our strategies, we can become very effective in controlling our behaviours.
NLP teaches us to understand our (behavioural) strategies, such as how to motivate ourselves, what we need to be convinced or how we make decisions, and to decipher the sequence and steps of our strategies, so that we can improve them or create better ones.
Meta Model / Milton Model: The Meta Model as well as the Milton Model comprise a set of language patterns that help in enriching the representation of ones memories in a way that the influence of that memory will allow for improvements and much greater possibilities.
The goal is to deconstruct the conversation, to help you find the cause of a problem, as well as a solution to that problem. By deconstructing the way someone words their problem, you can help them find a solution.
Language determines our feelings and our behaviours in a powerful way. For example: just think about the difference you feel between the two sentences “I could do this” and “I will do this”. Simple words with a very powerful influence. NLP teaches us about the language patterns that influence our feelings and behaviours and provides us with the possibility to improve our and other peoples lifes tremendously.